Prospects for observing dynamically formed Binary Black Holes in the Local Universe with Gravitational Waves

Dongming Jin

  • Research Supervisor
    • Dr. Matthew Benacquista
  • Committee Members
    • Dr. Zdzislaw Musielak (co-chair)
    • Dr. Manfred Cuntz
    • Dr. Joseph Romano
    • Dr. Sangwook Park
    • Dr. Teviet Creighton
  • Graduate Advisor

    • Dr. Qiming Zhang
  • April 27th, 2018


Populating GCs in the local universe

  • LoGal: galaxy within 30 Mpc

    • 7,909 with GCs
    • 1,037 has no measured luminosity
    • 8,946 total
  • GClib: 662,772 GCs over 7,909 Galaxy

    • manipulated LoGal.Ngc with different GC age
    • assign random GC simulation

Simulating GCs

  • GClib models:

    • $2\times5\times3\times3\times3 \times 10 = 324 \times 10 = 3,240$ simulations
    • Node-hour: $150,000 + 90,000 = 240,000$
    • tmp file: over 100 TB
  • GClib model diversity:

    • 1,739 out of 662,772 are duplicated
    • only half of the 3,240 GC simulations have one duplicated entry

Relativistic BBHs

  • BBHlib: extracted BBHs from 3,240 GC simulations

    • 87,365 ejected BBHs
    • 11,095 ejected BHBs
  • BBHdata: 17,883,760 BBHs with host galaxy info. + host GC info. + BBH info.

Prospects for Detection

  • 86,939 BBH mergers + 17,883,760 BBH inspirals
  • Merger event rate (6.1.3)

    • $\eta = N \frac{8 k_0}{3} f_\text{min}^{8/3} \left(\frac{30 \text{ Mpc}}{1 \text{ Gpc}} \right)^3 \left( \frac{13.5 \text{ Gyr}}{1 \text{ yr}} \right) \simeq 587 \text{ Gpc}^{-3} \text{ yr}^{-1}$
  • Localizationable BBHs: 14

   PGC    Dist          M1           M2   Seperation        Ecc

  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787   12.728000    19.122000     0.157281   0.852028
   616   2.188    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787   20.632000   137.730000     0.178258   0.477929
  1628   0.787   21.424999    25.615999     0.165200   0.750944
  1628   0.787   28.433001    26.503000     0.175125   0.813286
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
131228   0.762    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    5.319600    10.276000     0.974700   0.000000
  1627   0.813    5.319600    10.276000     0.974700   0.000000

Introduction (chap 1)


  • Detection -> GWs from BBHs, overview about GW, BBH
  • BBH formation -> GCs
  • Research interns
    • N-body, MOCCA: Newtonian, statistical
    • 50BiN: optical, time series
    • DSFP: statistics, data analysis



Introduction (chap 1)



  • GW from BBH formed in GCs -> Astrometry
    • High performance computing: numerical simulations on superclusters
    • Long baseline/timeline observation: time series analysis + multi-messanger
    • Petascale data: systematic surveys, global multi-discipline collaborations


Introduction (chap 1)




  • Astrometry (sec 2.1.2)
    • Cosmology (sec 1.2.1)
    • Dark matter content (sec 6.2.2)
  • GCs and BBHs
    • GCs (sec 3.3)
    • BBHs (sec 5.2.2)
  • GR and GWs from BBHs
    • GR -> GW (sec 5.1.2)
    • GW from BBH (sec 5.2.3)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GWGC for galaxy abundance (sec 2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [=] load GWGC data: wrong data type object due to ~ symbol => impute ~ as NaN and parse data type to float
  2. [=] check duplicates: explain pandas table, duplicated galaxies with Dist > 30 Mpc => drop

  3. extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view

  4. spatial distribution and edge galaxies

  5. check interesting features


   1-  7  I7    ---      PGC      [2,4715229]? Identifier from HYPERLEDA
                                  (empty for globular clusters)
   9- 36  A28   ---      Name     Common name of galaxy or globular
  38- 46  F9.5  h        RAhour   Right ascension (J2000, decimal hours)
  48- 55  F8.4  deg      DEdeg    Declination (J2000)
  57- 60  F4.1  ---      TT       [-9,10]? Morphological type code (1)
  62- 66  F5.2  mag      Bmag     ? Apparent blue magnitude
  68- 74  F7.3  arcmin   a        ? Major diameter (arcmins)
  76- 82  F7.3  arcmin   e_a      ? Error in major diameter (arcmins)
  84- 90  F7.3  arcmin   b        ? Minor diameter (arcmins)
  92- 98  F7.3  arcmin   e_b      ? Error in minor diameter (arcmins)
 100-104  F5.3  ---      b/a      [0,1]? Ratio of minor to major diameters
 106-110  F5.3  ---      e_b/a    ? Error on ratio of minor to major diameters
 112-116  F5.1  deg      PA       [0,180]? Position angle of galaxy
                                    (degrees from north through east)
 118-123  F6.2  mag      BMAG     ? Absolute blue magnitude
 125-131  F7.2  Mpc      Dist     ? Distance (Mpc)
 133-138  F6.2  Mpc      e_Dist   ? error on Distance (Mpc)
 140-143  F4.2  mag      e_Bmag   ? error on Apparent blue magnitude
 145-148  F4.2  mag      e_BMAG   ? error on Absolute blue magnitude
In [5]:
# 1. load GWGC data
GWGC=pd.read_csv(path_GWGC, delim_whitespace=True)
for key, n in Counter(GWGC.dtypes).most_common():
    print("'%s' (count %d): \n - %s" % (key, n, '\n - '.join(x for x in GWGC.columns[GWGC.dtypes==key])))
'object' (count 19): 
 - Name
 - Type
 - App_Mag_B
 - err_App_Mag_B
 - Abs_Mag_B
 - err_Abs_Mag_B
 - App_Mag_I
 - err_App_Mag_I
 - Abs_Mag_I
 - err_Abs_Mag_I
 - App_Mag_K
 - err_App_Mag_K
 - Maj_Diam(a)
 - err_Maj_Diam
 - Min_Diam(b)
 - err_Min_Diam
 - b/a
 - err_b/a
 - PA
'float64' (count 4): 
 - RA
 - Dec
 - Dist
 - err_Dist
'int64' (count 1): 
 - PGC
In [6]:
# 1-. convert to numeric, impute '~' as NaN 
for key in GWGC:
    if key != 'Name':
        GWGC[key]=pd.to_numeric(GWGC[key], errors='coerce')

# 2. check duplicates, duplicated galaxies with Dist > 30 Mpc
display(GWGC[GWGC.Name.duplicated(keep=False)] \
        .loc[: ,['Name','Dist','err_Dist','RA','Dec','Type','App_Mag_B']])
Name Dist err_Dist RA Dec Type App_Mag_B
63638 PGC138606 34.347 5.152 3.18005 61.105202 5.0 16.32
68443 PGC166081 72.361 15.919 4.09247 71.469597 7.0 17.47
68880 PGC166081 24.847 3.727 4.09246 71.469470 NaN 17.39
130474 PGC138606 35.569 7.825 3.17891 61.113250 1.2 15.51
178917 6dFJ1705055-200214 112.653 24.784 17.08485 -20.037250 NaN NaN
178919 6dFJ1704153-203840 117.694 25.893 17.07090 -20.644350 NaN NaN
179298 6dFJ1705055-200214 112.653 24.784 17.08485 -20.037250 NaN NaN
179620 6dFJ1704153-203840 116.194 25.563 17.07090 -20.644350 NaN NaN

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GWGC for galaxy abundance (sec 2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [x] load GWGC data
  2. [x] check duplicates

  3. [=] extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view: 8,946 galaxies out of 183,327, present in 3D plot

  4. spatial distribution and edge galaxies: present in distplot

  5. check interesting features

In [8]:
# 3. extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view [slow]
GWGC['Mcat'] = 'Unknown'
GWGC['iMType'] = 0
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(-4,-3)] = 'E/S0'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(-4,-3)] = 6
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(0,11)] = 'S/Irr'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(0,11)] = 1
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(-6,-4)] = 'E'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(-6,-4)] = 2
GWGC.Mcat[GWGC.Type.between(-3,0)] = 'S0'
GWGC.iMType[GWGC.Type.between(-3,0)] = 3

LoGal = GWGC[GWGC.Dist<30]

if not flag_skip:
    fig = figure(figsize=sfig_size)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
                 alpha=0.1,s=2,edgecolors=None) # all GWGCs

                 LoGal.Dist*np.cos((90-LoGal.Dec)/180*pi),alpha=0.1,c='g',s=2,edgecolors=None) # all LoGals

    ax.view_init(20, 90)
    r = [-100, 100]
    for s, e in combinations(np.array(list(product(r, r, r))), 2):
        if np.sum(np.abs(s-e)) == r[1]-r[0]:
            ax.plot3D(*zip(s, e), color="k") # box to show orientation

    ax.set_title('%d galaxies out of the %d galaxies are located in the Local Universe (within 30 Mpc)' 
                 % (len(LoGal), len(GWGC)))

    if flag_svfg:
        fig.savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GWGC3D.jpeg'),**params_svfg)
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'GWGC3D.jpeg')))

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GWGC for galaxy abundance (sec 2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [x] load GWGC data
  2. [x] check duplicates

  3. [x] extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view

  4. [=] spatial distribution and edge galaxies: present in distplot

    • D < 30 Mpc but D + $\Delta$D > 30 Mpc: 1,856 orange
    • D > 30 Mpc but D - $\Delta$D < 30 Mpc: 3,015 blue
    • be cautious with bin in histgrams
    • galaxy morphological type, numerical Hubble stage, not well explained in paper or references therein: => a future topic
      • [-4, -3]: E/S0 => GCpG.iMType==6
      • [0, 11]: S/Irr => GCpG.iMType==1
      • [-6, -4): E => GCpG.iMType==2
      • (-3, 0): S0 => GCpG.iMType==3
      • NaN: Unknown, 0
  5. check interesting features
In [9]:
# 4. edge galaxies with morphology type, be cautious with bins in histograms
fig, ax = subplots(figsize=fig_size)
sns.distplot(GWGC.Dist,color='g',ax=ax) #  NO. of galaxies at different Dist
ax.set_xlim([0, 180])
if 'GWGC_DT' not in locals():
    GWGC_DT = GWGC.loc[:,['Dist','err_Dist','Mcat']].dropna()
    GWGC_DT['Dcat'] = 0
    GWGC_DT.Dcat[(GWGC_DT.Dist>30) & (GWGC_DT.Dist-GWGC_DT.err_Dist<30)] = -1
    GWGC_DT.Dcat[(GWGC_DT.Dist<30) & (GWGC_DT.Dist+GWGC_DT.err_Dist>30)] = 1
sub_axes = axes([0.16, 0.56, 0.25, 0.25])
sub_axes.set_xlim([24, 38])

sub_axes = axes([0.6, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]) 
sub_axes.set_xlabel('Morphology Type')
sub_axes.hist([GWGC_DT.Mcat[(GWGC_DT.Dcat==-1) & (GWGC_DT.Mcat!='Unknown')].values,
               GWGC_DT.Mcat[(GWGC_DT.Dcat==1) & (GWGC_DT.Mcat!='Unknown')].values], 

if flag_svfg:
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GWGC for galaxy abundance (sec 2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [x] load GWGC data
  2. [x] check duplicates

  3. [x] extract local galaxies within 30 Mpc and 3D view

  4. [x] spatial distribution and edge galaxies

  5. [=] check interesting features: missing data

    • statistics: present in pandas table
    • missing data visualization: present in msnoplot
In [11]:
# 5-A. statistics
display(LoGal.loc[:,['Name','RA','Dec','Dist','Type','Abs_Mag_B','Abs_Mag_I']] \
Name RA Dec Dist Type Abs_Mag_B Abs_Mag_I
count 8946 8946.000000 8946.000000 8946.000000 5979.000000 7877.000000 5606.000000
unique 8946 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
min NaN 0.005940 -89.334590 0.010000 -5.000000 -22.590000 -25.520000
max NaN 23.996680 86.131800 29.986000 10.000000 -4.970000 -1.680000
mean NaN 10.973250 3.455383 19.011495 4.524034 -16.210734 -17.158776
std NaN 5.277991 34.889882 6.616150 4.707900 2.451796 2.627928
In [12]:
# 5-B. visualization
img = msno.matrix(LoGal.loc[:, ['Name','RA','Dec','Dist','Type','Abs_Mag_B','Abs_Mag_I']], inline=False)
if flag_svfg:
    img.savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GWGC_NaN.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

  1. load GCpG data
  2. check Morphology Type
  3. check duplicates and NaNs

  4. check interested features

Data explore


0   1- 14  A14   ---        Name    Galaxy identifier
   16- 27  A12   ---        OName   Other galaxy identifier
   29- 38  F10.7 h          RAhour  ? Right Ascension in decimal hours (J2000)
   40- 50  F11.7 deg        DEdeg   ? Declination in decimal degrees (J2000)
4  52- 56  A5    ---        MType   Morphology type
5  58- 63  F6.2  Mpc        Dist    ? NED distance; see Section 2
   65- 69  F5.2  Mpc        e_Dist  ? Uncertainty in Dist
   71- 83  A13   ---        n_Dist  Method used to determine Dist
   85- 89  F5.3  mag        Av      NED foreground V band extinction
9  91- 97  F7.3  mag        VMag    [-25/-11]? Absolute visual magnitude (1)
   99-104  F6.3  mag        e_VMag  [0.2/1.5]? Uncertainty in VMag
11 106-115  F10.3 mag        KMag    [-28/-14]? Absolute K band magnitude (2)
   117-125  F9.3  mag        e_KMag  [0.1/0.3]? Uncertainty in KMag
       127  A1    ---        l_Ngc   [>] Limit flag on Ngc
14 128-134  F7.1  ---        Ngc     [0/32500] Number of Globular Clusters (NGC)
   136-142  F7.1  ---        e_Ngc   [0/20000] Uncertainty in Ngc
   144-152  A9    ---        r_Ngc   Reference(s) for Ngc (see refs.dat file)
17 154-159  F6.2  km/s       sigma   [10/414]? Stellar velocity dispersion (3)
   161-165  F5.2  km/s      e_sigma  ? Uncertainty in sigma
19 167-171  F5.2  kpc        Reff    [0.1/55]? Effective radius (4)
   173-177  F5.2  kpc        e_Reff  ? Uncertainty in Reff
21 179-184  F6.3  [Msun]     logMd   [7.6/12.8]? Log of dynamical mass
   186-191  F6.3  [Msun]    e_logMd  ? Uncertainty in logMd
23 193-197  F5.2  [Msun]     logMGC  ? Log of total globular cluster mass (5)
   199-203  F5.2  [Msun]   e_logMGC  ? Uncertainty in logMGC
25 205-209  F5.2  [Msun]     logMB   ? Log of central supermassive black hole mass(6)
   211-215  F5.2  [Msun]    E_logMB  ? Upper uncertainty in logMB
   217-221  F5.2  [Msun]    e_logMB  ? Lower uncertainty in logMB

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [=] load GCpG data
  2. [=] check Morphology Type: MType: str => to numeric, & parse in Harris manner, present in barplot
  3. [=] check duplicates and NaNs: explain pandas table, 418 galaxy enteries

    • 0: Nan in [VMag, KMag, Dist], MilkyWay => drop
    • 356: Nan in [VMag, KMag], A1689-BCG, 770 Mpc => drop
    • 227,228: completely duplicated => drop 228
    • 272,273: different data reduction => drop 272(higher uncertainty in data)
    • 138: NaN in logMGC, 3 in Ngc => data is dirty, check in 4-A-b
  4. check interested features

Data explore

In [14]:
# 1. load GCpG data

# 2. MType to numeric, in Harris manner
GCpG['iMType'] = ''
GCpG['Mcat'] = ''
# E -> 2: 226(+18)
GCpG.iMType[GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'E')] = 2
GCpG.Mcat[GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'E')] = 'E'
# S0 -> 3: 75(+18)
GCpG.iMType[GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'S0')] = 3
GCpG.Mcat[GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'S0')] = 'S0'
# S/Irr -> 1: 103
GCpG.iMType[-(GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'E') | GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'S0'))] = 1
GCpG.Mcat[-(GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'E') | GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'S0'))] = 'S/Irr'
# E/S0 -> 6: 18
GCpG.iMType[GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'E') & GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'S0')] = 6
GCpG.Mcat[GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'E') & GCpG.MType.str.contains(r'S0')] = 'E/S0'

fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
GCpG.loc[:,['Name','MType','Mcat']].groupby(['Mcat','MType']).count() \
        .unstack().plot(kind='bar',stacked=True,legend=False,rot=0, ax=ax)
text(0.8, 150,'%10s' % GCpG.loc[:,['Name','Mcat']].groupby('Mcat').count() \
     .to_string().replace('Name','count'), **params_font)
text(1.8, 150, '%6s' % GCpG[GCpG.Mcat.isin(['S0','E/S0'])].loc[:,['Name','MType','Mcat']] \
     .groupby(['Mcat','MType']).count().to_string().replace('Name','count').replace(' ', '%2s' % ' '), **params_font)
xlabel('Morphology Type')

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'MType.jpeg'),**params_svfg)
print('Our catalog contains 248 ellipticals, 93 S0\'s,'+
      ' and 81 spirals or irregulars, (Harris et. al. 2013).')
Our catalog contains 248 ellipticals, 93 S0's, and 81 spirals or irregulars, (Harris et. al. 2013).
In [15]:
# 3. check duplicates and NaNs 
if 0 in GCpG.index:
Name RAhour DEdeg Dist e_Dist VMag e_VMag KMag logMGC Ngc r_Ngc sigma Reff logMd logMB
0 MilkyWay NaN NaN NaN NaN -21.30 0.3 NaN 7.66 160.0 44 105.0 0.70 9.856 6.61
356 A1689-BCG 13.191528 -1.338056 790.00 40.00 NaN NaN NaN 10.10 30000.0 66b NaN NaN NaN NaN
227 NGC4417 12.447387 9.584243 16.03 0.53 -20.00 0.2 -22.860 7.24 72.0 77 135.2 1.22 10.318 NaN
228 NGC4417 12.447387 9.584243 16.03 0.53 -20.00 0.2 -22.860 7.24 72.0 77 135.2 1.22 10.318 NaN
272 VCC-1386 12.530939 12.656659 16.00 2.00 -17.34 0.2 NaN 6.67 26.6 67 20.5 1.80 8.848 NaN
273 VCC-1386 12.530939 12.656659 16.10 1.13 -16.90 0.2 NaN 6.64 26.0 24 NaN NaN NaN NaN
138 NGC2915 9.436528 -76.626389 4.06 0.20 -16.12 0.2 -18.298 NaN 3.0 66a NaN 0.31 NaN NaN

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [x] load GCpG data
  2. [x] check Morphology Type
  3. [x] check duplicates and NaNs

  4. [=] check interested features:

    1. [=] statistics, present in 2 pandas tables

      • tab1: var(Ngc(6:0)) significantly larger => add logNgc(6:-inf)
      • tab2: explain unreasonable value in Ngc, e_Ngc(0:3), logMGC(1:NaN), e_logMGC(2:0):
        • Ngc derived from logMGC => focus on Ngc/logNgc(412/418)
        • Ngc == 0: [7,51,87,88,271,304] => Ngc = 0.5 e_Ngc, avoid -inf temporately
        • e_Ngc == 0: [1,28,138] => e_Ngc = 0.5 Ngc, avoid -inf temporately
        • logMGC, e_logMGC == NaN: [138] => linear interpolate NaN logMGC from logNgc(412))
        • e_logMGC ==0: [1,28] => leave alone
    2. visualization

Data explore

In [17]:
# 4-A-a. statistics
                    'sigma','Reff','logMd','logMGC','Dist','logMB']] \
Name VMag KMag Ngc e_Ngc r_Ngc sigma Reff logMd logMGC Dist logMB
count 418 418.000000 344.000000 418.000000 418.000000 418 271.000000 340.000000 253.000000 417.000000 418.000000 64.000000
unique 418 NaN NaN NaN NaN 106 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
min NaN -24.190000 -27.080000 0.000000 0.000000 NaN 10.400000 0.130000 7.693000 4.880000 0.030000 0.000000
max NaN -11.170000 -14.510000 32500.000000 13000.000000 NaN 414.000000 55.000000 12.726000 10.120000 375.000000 10.320000
mean NaN -19.127943 -22.583840 1512.699761 351.961962 NaN 168.750923 4.287588 10.727692 7.369305 34.758971 5.933750
std NaN 2.799122 2.659367 3957.436127 1075.182192 NaN 93.365634 6.092928 0.969581 1.229806 46.445852 3.953719
In [18]:
# 4-A-b. i: take logarithms -> logNgc; ii: fit NaN in logMGC and e_logMGC
if 'has_GC' not in locals(): # i
    has_GC = (GCpG.Ngc > 0) # mark for logMGC interpolation
    GCpG.Ngc[~has_GC] = 0.5 * GCpG.e_Ngc[~has_GC]
    GCpG.e_Ngc[GCpG.e_Ngc==0] = 0.5 * GCpG.Ngc[GCpG.e_Ngc==0]
if 'logNgc' not in GCpG.columns:
    GCpG['logNgc'] = GCpG.Ngc.apply(log10)
if 'nn_MGC' not in locals(): # ii
    nn_MGC = GCpG.logMGC.notna() # update 138: logMGC NaN from Ngc/logNgc
    LRsk = linear_model.LinearRegression()[has_GC & nn_MGC].values.reshape(-1,1),
             GCpG.logMGC[has_GC & nn_MGC].values.reshape(-1,1))
    GCpG.logMGC[~nn_MGC] = LRsk.predict(GCpG.logNgc[~nn_MGC].values.reshape(-1,1))[has_GC & nn_MGC].apply(log10).values.reshape(-1,1),
             GCpG.e_logMGC[has_GC & nn_MGC].values.reshape(-1,1))
    GCpG.e_logMGC[~nn_MGC] = LRsk.predict(GCpG.e_Ngc[~nn_MGC].apply(log10).values.reshape(-1,1))
Name Ngc e_Ngc logMGC e_logMGC
7 NGC221 0.0 1.0 6.26 0.10
51 FCC-0059 0.0 4.0 6.21 0.19
87 FCC-242 0.0 3.3 5.51 0.30
88 FCC-246 0.0 3.4 5.51 0.30
138 NGC2915 3.0 0.0 NaN NaN
271 VCC-1363 0.0 3.0 6.19 0.24
304 VCC-1714 0.0 4.5 6.19 0.16

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

  1. [x] load GCpG data
  2. [x] check Morphology Type
  3. [x] check duplicates and NaNs

  4. [=] check interested features

    1. [x] statistics, present in 2 pandas tables

    2. [=] visualization

      1. logNgc: present KDE in distplot
      2. data completeness: represent in barplot
      3. spatial sparseness of NaN data: present in msnoplot

Data explore

In [19]:
# 4-B. visualization
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
GCpG.loc[:,GCpG.columns[GCpG.dtypes==float]].describe().loc['count',:].plot('bar', ax=ax2)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f34ba0885c0>
In [20]:
img = msno.matrix(GCpG.loc[:, ['Name','VMag','KMag','Ngc','r_Ngc',
                               'sigma','Reff','logMd','Dist','logMB','logNgc']], inline=False)
if flag_svfg:
    img.savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GCpG_NaN.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [=] explore correlations for data type in float: present in pairplots with heatmap

    • properties:
      • 'Dist', 'e_Dist', 'Av', 'VMag', 'e_VMag', 'KMag', 'e_KMag', 'Ngc', 'e_Ngc', 'sigma', 'e_sigma', 'Reff', 'e_Reff', 'logMd', 'e_logMd', 'logMGC', 'e_logMGC','logMB', 'E_logMB', 'e_logMB', 'logNgc'
    • correlated =>
      • xxx & e_xxx: intuitive, not interesting
      • Av & Dist: Dist derived from NED Av => focus on Dist (more intuitive)
      • VMag & KMag(74:NaN): intuitive, LR in 2-A
    • probably correlated =>
      • Dist & Ngc(6:0) & Reff(78:NaN)
      • VMag & KMag(74:NaN) & sigma(147:NaN) & logMd(165:NaN) & logMGC(1:NaN) & logNgc(6:-inf)
  2. check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

  3. correlation ranking

In [21]:
# 1. explore correlations [slow]
def pp_heat(df, cor = 0.5, figname = 'pairplots.jpeg'):
        df: pandas dataframe
        corr: df.corr()
        pairplot with heatmap
    with sns.axes_style("white"):
        pp = sns.pairplot(df.fillna(0), diag_kind='kde', markers='x', plot_kws={'s':15,'alpha':0.2})
        corr = df.corr()
        for i, j in zip(*triu_indices_from(pp.axes, 1)):
            pp.axes[i, j].set_visible(False)
            # pp.axes[i, j].figure.text((j+0.5)/len(corr),(len(corr)-i-0.5)/len(corr),
            #                           str(round(corr.values[i, j],3)), **params_font)
        for i, j in zip(*tril_indices_from(pp.axes, -1)):
            if abs(corr.values[i, j]) < cor or isnan(corr.values[i, j]):
                sns.despine(ax=pp.axes[i, j],top=True,right=True,left=True,bottom=True)
                sns.despine(ax=pp.axes[i, j],top=False,right=False,left=False,bottom=False)
                for pos in ['top','right','left','bottom']:
                    pp.axes[i, j].spines[pos].set_edgecolor('gray')
                pp.axes[i, j].figure.text((j+0.7)/len(corr),(len(corr)-i-0.3)/len(corr),
                                          str(round(corr.values[i, j],3)), **params_font)
        ax = pp.axes[0,0].figure.add_subplot(222)
        sns.heatmap(corr, square=True, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.8, ax=ax)
        savefig(path.join(path_fig,figname), **params_svfg)
    return 0

if not flag_skip:
    pp_heat(GCpG.loc[:,GCpG.columns[GCpG.dtypes==float][2:]], 0.5, 'pp_GCpG.jpeg')
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'pp_GCpG.jpeg')))

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [x] explore correlations for data type in float

  2. [=] check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

    1. [=] VMag(418) & KMag(344+74): LR interpolate => KMag(74:NaN), present in errorbar & OLS LR summary

    2. Dist & Ngc(6:0) & Reff(78:NaN)

    3. VMag(418)/KMag(344) & logMd(253)/sigma(271) & logMGC(417)/logNgc(412)

  3. correlation ranking

In [22]:
# 2. check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]
# 2-A. `VMag` & `KMag`: linear regression
if 'nn_KMag' not in locals():
    nn_KMag = GCpG.KMag.notna()
    LRsk = linear_model.LinearRegression()[nn_KMag].values.reshape(-1,1), GCpG.KMag[nn_KMag].values.reshape(-1,1))
    GCpG.KMag[~nn_KMag] = LRsk.predict(GCpG.VMag[~nn_KMag].values.reshape(-1,1))[nn_KMag].values.reshape(-1,1), 
    GCpG.e_KMag[~nn_KMag] = LRsk.predict(GCpG.e_VMag[~nn_KMag].values.reshape(-1,1))
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.KMag.values, GCpG.VMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.999    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                803.0247 
Date:               2018-06-17 22:09 BIC:                807.0602 
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -400.51  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        5.005e+05
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 0.00     
R-squared:          0.999            Scale:              0.39886  
         Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|     [0.025    0.975]
x1       1.1304      0.0016    707.4353    0.0000    1.1273    1.1336
Omnibus:              176.239      Durbin-Watson:         1.879   
Prob(Omnibus):        0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):      1964.668
Skew:                 1.479        Prob(JB):              0.000   
Kurtosis:             13.201       Condition No.:         1       

In [23]:
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[nn_KMag], GCpG.KMag[nn_KMag],
            xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[nn_KMag], yerr=GCpG.e_KMag[nn_KMag], fmt='g+', **params_errbar)
ax.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[~nn_KMag], GCpG.KMag[~nn_KMag],
            xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[~nn_KMag], yerr=GCpG.e_KMag[~nn_KMag], fmt='rx', **params_errbar)
legend(['existing KMag vs VMag: %d/%d' % (sum(nn_KMag),len(nn_KMag)),
        'interpolated KMag vs VMag: %d/%d' % (sum(~nn_KMag),len(nn_KMag))])
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'KMag_VMag.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [x] explore correlations for data type in float
  2. [=] check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

    1. [x] VMag(418) & KMag(344+74)

    2. [=]Dist & Ngc(6:0) & Reff(78:NaN): no significant correlation => leave alone, present in pairplot

    3. VMag(418)/KMag(344) & logMd(253)/sigma(271) & logMGC(417)/logNgc(412)

  3. correlation ranking

In [24]:
# 2-B. `Dist` & `Ngc` & `Reff`: no significant correlations
# pp = sns.pairplot(GCpG, vars= ['Dist','Ngc','Reff'], hue='Mcat', diag_kind= 'kde',
#                   plot_kws=params_hex, diag_kws={'lw':1}, size=3.2)
# for i, j in zip(*triu_indices_from(pp.axes, 1)):
#     pp.axes[i, j].set_visible(False)
# upgrade to PairGrid 
pp = sns.PairGrid(GCpG, vars= ['Dist','Ngc','Reff'], hue='Mcat',diag_sharey=False,size=3.2)
pp.map_lower(scatter, **params_hex)
pp.map_upper(sns.residplot)#, ci=97, scatter_kws={'s':15}, line_kws={'lw':1})
pp.map_diag(sns.kdeplot, lw=1)

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'pp_DNR.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [x] explore correlations for data type in float
  2. [x] check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

    1. [x] VMag(418) & KMag(344+74)
    2. [x] Dist & Ngc(6:0) & Reff(78:NaN)

    3. [=] VMag(418)/KMag(344) & logMd(253)/sigma(271) & logMGC(417)/logNgc(412)

      1. [=] logNgc(6:-inf) & logMGC(1:NaN): Ngc(6:0) deduct from logMGC (Harris et al. 2011), present in errorbar & OLS LR summary

        • => logNgc(412-1) LR interpolate logMGC(1:NaN)
        • => logMGC(418-1-6) LR interpolate Ngc/logNgc(6:0/-inf)
      2. VMag/KMag (418/344+74) & logNgc/logMGC (412/417)

      3. logMd(253) & sigma(271) & logNgc/logMGC (412/417)

  3. correlation ranking

In [25]:
# 2-C-a. `logNgc` & `logMGC`: linear regression, interpolate logNgc from logMGC
LRsk = linear_model.LinearRegression()[has_GC].values.reshape(-1,1),
GCpG.logNgc[~has_GC] = LRsk.predict(GCpG.logMGC[~has_GC].values.reshape(-1,1))[has_GC].values.reshape(-1,1),
GCpG.e_Ngc[~has_GC] = 10**LRsk.predict(GCpG.e_logMGC[~has_GC].values.reshape(-1,1))
GCpG.Ngc[~has_GC] = 10**GCpG.logNgc[~has_GC]
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.logMGC.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.892    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                954.0297 
Date:               2018-06-17 22:09 BIC:                958.0651 
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -476.01  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        3437.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 1.75e-203
R-squared:          0.892            Scale:              0.57241  
          Coef.     Std.Err.       t       P>|t|     [0.025    0.975]
x1        0.2906      0.0050    58.6292    0.0000    0.2808    0.3003
Omnibus:               40.119       Durbin-Watson:          1.430 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       18.367
Skew:                  0.316        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.191        Condition No.:          1     

In [26]:
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.errorbar(GCpG.logNgc[has_GC], GCpG.logMGC[has_GC],
            xerr=log10(GCpG.e_Ngc[has_GC]), yerr=GCpG.e_logMGC[has_GC], 
            fmt='g+', **params_errbar)
ax.errorbar(GCpG.logNgc[~has_GC], GCpG.logMGC[~has_GC],
            xerr=log10(GCpG.e_Ngc[~has_GC]), yerr=GCpG.e_logMGC[~has_GC], 
            fmt='rx', **params_errbar)
legend(['existing logNgc vs logMGC','interpolated logNgc vs logMGC'], loc=4)
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'Ngc_MGC.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [x] explore correlations for data type in float

  2. [x] check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

    1. [x] VMag(418) & KMag(344+74)

    2. [x] Dist & Ngc(412+6) & Reff(78:NaN)

    3. [=] VMag(418)/KMag(344) & logMd(253)/sigma(271) & logMGC(417)/logNgc(412)

      1. [x] logNgc(412+6) & logMGC(417+1)

      2. [=] VMag/KMag (418/344+74) & logNgc/logMGC (412/417): all complete

        • => VMag(original) vs logNgc (more intuitive)
        • => Luminosity model in sec 2.2.1, present in pairplot
      3. logMd(253) & sigma(271) & logNgc/logMGC (412/417)

  3. correlation ranking

In [27]:
# 2-C-b. `VMag(KMag) & logNgc(logMGC)`
pp = sns.pairplot(GCpG, vars=['VMag','KMag','logNgc','logMGC'], hue='Mcat',
                  plot_kws=params_scatter, diag_kind='kde', diag_kws={'lw':1})
for i, j in zip(*triu_indices_from(pp.axes, 1)):
    pp.axes[i, j].set_visible(False)
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'pp_Luminosity.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [x] explore correlations for data type in float

  2. [x] check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

    1. [x] VMag(418) & KMag(344+74)

    2. [x] Dist & Ngc(6:0) & Reff(78:NaN)

    3. [=] VMag(418)/KMag(344) & logMd(253)/sigma(271) & logMGC(417+1)/logNgc(412+6)

      1. [x] logNgc(412+6) & logMGC(417+1)

      2. [x] VMag/KMag (418/344+74) & logNgc/logMGC (412+6/417+1)

      3. [=] logMd(253) & sigma(271) & logNgc/logMGC (412+6/417+1)

        • => logMd(253) = f(sigma(271),Reff(340)) vs logNgc(412+6):logMd(253) limiting term
        • => Dynamical mass model in sec 2.2.2, present in pairplot
  3. correlation ranking

In [28]:
# 2-C-c. `logMd & sigma & logNgc(logMGC)`
pp = sns.pairplot(GCpG, vars=['logMd','sigma','logNgc','logMGC'], hue='Mcat', 
                  plot_kws=params_scatter, diag_kind='kde', diag_kws={'lw':1})
for i, j in zip(*triu_indices_from(pp.axes, 1)):
    pp.axes[i, j].set_visible(False)
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'pp_Dynamical.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1)

Data prepare

Data explore

  1. [x] explore correlations for data type in float

  2. [x] check correlated pairs [and interpolate values]

    1. [x] VMag & KMag

    2. [x] Dist & Ngc & Reff

    3. [x] VMag(KMag) & logMd (sigma) & logMGC(logNgc)

  3. [=] correlation ranking: Random Forest with feature importance, explain in heatmap

    • VMag/KMag(344+74) vs logNgc(412+6)/logMGC(417+1)
    • impute median for NaN: => KMag & logMGC > KMag & logNgc > VMag & logNgc
    • impute mean for NaN: => KMag & logNgc > KMag & logMGC > VMag & logMGC
    • impute most frequent for NaN: => KMag & logNgc > KMag & logMGC > VMag & logMGC
    • 'normalize' by data availibility: 253/418(logMd) subset => KMag & Ngc > logMd & logMGC > VMag & logMGC, max correlation score drops
    • => possible selection effect
    • => overfitting in interpolation
    • => debating GCpG nature
    • (color-blind/friendly seaborn colors and matplotlib)
In [30]:
# 3. correlation ranking, feature importance with Random Forest
## 3-A. impute median for NaN
## 3-B. impute mean for NaN
## 3-C. impute most frequent for NaN
## 3-D. 'normalize' by data avalibility 253/418

if 'strategies' not in locals():
    features = ['Dist', 'e_Dist', 'Av', 'VMag', 'e_VMag', 'KMag', 'e_KMag', 'sigma', 'e_sigma',
                'Reff', 'e_Reff', 'logMd', 'e_logMd', 'logMB', 'E_logMB', 'e_logMB']
    targets = ['Ngc', 'e_Ngc', 'logNgc', 'logMGC', 'e_logMGC', 'iMType']
    norm_feats = ['Dist', 'e_Dist', 'Av', 'VMag', 'e_VMag', 'KMag', 'e_KMag', 'sigma', 'e_sigma',
                'Reff', 'e_Reff', 'logMd', 'e_logMd']
    strategies = ['median', 'mean', 'most_frequent','norm']

def RF_NaN(df, feats, tags, strategy):
        df: pandas dataframe
        feats: list of feature colume names
        tags: list of target colume names
        strategy: str of strategy to deal with NaN
        df_rf: dataframe of Random Forest feature importances 
    df_rf = pd.DataFrame(index=feats)
    if strategy == 'norm':
        X_rf = df.loc[:, feats].values
        X_rf = df.loc[:, feats].values
        imp = Imputer(missing_values='NaN', strategy=strategy, axis=0)
        X_rf = imp.fit_transform(X_rf)

    RFreg = RandomForestRegressor()
    for target in tags:
        y_rf = df.loc[:, target].values, y_rf)
        df_rf[target] = RFreg.feature_importances_
    return df_rf

axs = figure(figsize=sfig_size).subplots(2,2).ravel()
for i in range(len(strategies)):
    if strategies[i] == 'norm':
        df_rf = RF_NaN(GCpG.loc[:, norm_feats+targets].dropna(), norm_feats, targets, strategies[i])
        axs[i].set_title("\'subset\' 253/418")
        df_rf = RF_NaN(GCpG, features, targets, strategies[i])
    sns.heatmap(df_rf, cmap=cmap, alpha=0.8, ax=axs[i])

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'RF_heat.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: logMd vs logMGC/logNgc

  1. [=] dynamical mass model logMGC/logNgc $=\mathscr{LR}$(logMd)

    1. [=] scatter plot with LR: strong correlation, present in scatter + regplot

    2. OLS LR summary

  2. luminosity model $\mathscr{LR}$(VMag/KMag)

  3. revisit with errorbar

GC SN model

In [32]:
# 1-A. `logMd vs logMGC/logNgc` in scatter
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax2.set_ylim([-0.5, 5.5])
for i in range(len(GCpG.Mcat.unique())):
    mask_MT = (GCpG.Mcat == GCpG.Mcat.unique()[i])
    ax.scatter(GCpG.logMd[mask_MT], GCpG.logMGC[mask_MT],**markers[i])
    sns.regplot(GCpG.logMd[mask_MT], GCpG.logMGC[mask_MT],
                scatter=False, ci=None, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax)
    ax2.scatter(GCpG.logMd[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],**markers[i])
    sns.regplot(GCpG.logMd[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],
                scatter=False, ci=None, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax2)
sns.regplot(GCpG.logMd,GCpG.logMGC, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax)
sns.regplot(GCpG.logMd,GCpG.logNgc, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax2)

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'LR_Mdyn.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: logMd vs logMGC/logNgc

  1. [=] dynamical mass model logMGC/logNgc $=\mathscr{LR}$(logMd)

    1. [x] scatter plot with LR

    2. [=] OLS LR summary: for logMd(253): logMGC(0.996) > logNgc(0.923)

  2. luminosity model $\mathscr{LR}$(VMag/KMag)

  3. revisit with errorbar

GC SN model

In [33]:
# 1-B. `logMd vs logMGC/logNgc` in OLS regression
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc[GCpG.logMd.notna()].values,
               GCpG.logMd[GCpG.logMd.notna()].values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.923    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                566.4509 
Date:               2018-06-17 22:09 BIC:                569.9842 
No. Observations:   253              Log-Likelihood:     -282.23  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        3037.    
Df Residuals:       252              Prob (F-statistic): 1.41e-142
R-squared:          0.923            Scale:              0.54723  
          Coef.     Std.Err.       t       P>|t|     [0.025    0.975]
x1        0.2379      0.0043    55.1067    0.0000    0.2294    0.2464
Omnibus:              10.559        Durbin-Watson:           1.338
Prob(Omnibus):        0.005         Jarque-Bera (JB):        5.680
Skew:                 0.159         Prob(JB):                0.058
Kurtosis:             2.338         Condition No.:           1    

In [34]:
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logMGC[GCpG.logMd.notna()].values,
               GCpG.logMd[GCpG.logMd.notna()].values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.996    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                340.7403 
Date:               2018-06-17 22:09 BIC:                344.2737 
No. Observations:   253              Log-Likelihood:     -169.37  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        7.156e+04
Df Residuals:       252              Prob (F-statistic): 2.49e-311
R-squared:          0.996            Scale:              0.22424  
         Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|     [0.025    0.975]
x1       0.7394      0.0028    267.5077    0.0000    0.7339    0.7448
Omnibus:              5.236         Durbin-Watson:           1.515
Prob(Omnibus):        0.073         Jarque-Bera (JB):        7.433
Skew:                 -0.017        Prob(JB):                0.024
Kurtosis:             3.839         Condition No.:           1    

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: VMag/KMag vs logNgc

  1. [x] dynamical mass model $\mathscr{LR}$(logMd)

  2. [=] luminosity model logNgc $=\mathscr{LR}$(VMag/KMag)

    1. [=] scatter plot with LR: strong correlation, present in scatter + regplot

    2. OLS LR summary

  3. revisit with errorbar

GC SN model

In [35]:
# 2-A. `VMag/KMag vs logNgc` in scatter
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax.set_xlim([-12, -27])
ax2.set_xlim([-12, -27])
for i in range(len(GCpG.Mcat.unique())):
    mask_MT = (GCpG.Mcat == GCpG.Mcat.unique()[i])
    ax.scatter(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],**markers[i])
    sns.regplot(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],
                scatter=False, ci=None, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax)
    ax2.scatter(GCpG.KMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],**markers[i])
    sns.regplot(GCpG.KMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],
                scatter=False, ci=None, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax2)
sns.regplot(GCpG.VMag,GCpG.logNgc, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax)
sns.regplot(GCpG.KMag,GCpG.logNgc, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax2)

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'LR_Mag.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: VMag/KMag vs logNgc

  1. [x] dynamical mass model $\mathscr{LR}$(logMd)

  2. [x] luminosity model logNgc=$\mathscr{LR}$(VMag/KMag)

    1. [x] scatter plot with LR

    2. [=] OLS LR summary

      • VMag(0.866) < KMag(0.869) < logMd(0.923/0.996)
      • recall logMd(253/418), KMag(344/418) interpolated from VMag
      • => might be selection effect: logMd requires good photometry data
      • => overfitting in interpolation of KMag
  3. revisit

GC SN model

In [36]:
# 2-B. `VMag/KMag vs logNgc` in OLS linear regression
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.VMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.866    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                1043.0025
Date:               2018-06-17 22:10 BIC:                1047.0379
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -520.50  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        2698.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 3.34e-184
R-squared:          0.866            Scale:              0.70819  
       Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|      [0.025     0.975]
x1    -0.1106      0.0021    -51.9461    0.0000    -0.1148    -0.1064
Omnibus:               24.883       Durbin-Watson:          1.467 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       19.434
Skew:                  0.434        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.397        Condition No.:          1     

In [37]:
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.KMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.870    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                1030.4039
Date:               2018-06-17 22:10 BIC:                1034.4393
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -514.20  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        2794.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 6.21e-187
R-squared:          0.870            Scale:              0.68716  
       Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|      [0.025     0.975]
x1    -0.0980      0.0019    -52.8557    0.0000    -0.1017    -0.0944
Omnibus:               22.487       Durbin-Watson:          1.448 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       19.376
Skew:                  0.453        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.458        Condition No.:          1     

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models:

  1. [x] dynamical mass model logMGC/logNgc=$\mathscr{LR}$(logMd)

  2. [x] luminosity model logNgc=$\mathscr{LR}$(VMag/KMag)

  3. [=] revisit with errorbar, present in 2 errorbars

    1. [=] dynamical mass model: limited by data completeness (253/418)
    2. luminosity model

GC SN model

In [38]:
# 3-A. revisit `logMd vs logMGC/logNgc` with errorbar
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax.twinx()

for i in range(len(GCpG.Mcat.unique())):
    mask_MT = (GCpG.Mcat == GCpG.Mcat.unique()[i])
    ax.errorbar(GCpG.logMd[mask_MT], GCpG.logMGC[mask_MT],
                xerr=GCpG.e_logMd[mask_MT], yerr=GCpG.e_logMGC[mask_MT], **fmts[i])
    ax2.errorbar(GCpG.logMd[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],
                 xerr=GCpG.e_logMd[mask_MT], yerr=GCpG.e_Ngc[mask_MT].apply(log10), **fmts[i])
ax.set_ylabel('logMGC $[M_\odot]$')
ax.set_xlabel('logMd $[M_\odot]$')
sns.regplot(GCpG.logMd,GCpG.logMGC, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax)
sns.regplot(GCpG.logMd,GCpG.logNgc, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax2)

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'LR_Mdyn_err.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.KMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.870    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                1030.4039
Date:               2018-06-17 22:10 BIC:                1034.4393
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -514.20  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        2794.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 6.21e-187
R-squared:          0.870            Scale:              0.68716  
       Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|      [0.025     0.975]
x1    -0.0980      0.0019    -52.8557    0.0000    -0.1017    -0.0944
Omnibus:               22.487       Durbin-Watson:          1.448 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       19.376
Skew:                  0.453        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.458        Condition No.:          1     

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: logMd vs logMGC/logNgc and VMag/KMag vs logNgc

  1. [x] dynamical mass model logMGC/logNgc=$\mathscr{LR}$(logMd)

  2. [x] luminosity model logNgc=$\mathscr{LR}$(VMag/KMag)

  3. [=] revisit with errorbar, present in 2 errorbars

    • [x] dynamical mass model (253/418)
    • [=] luminosity model: no better with huge uncertainties

GC SN model

In [39]:
# 3. revisit `VMag/KMag vs logNgc` with errorbar
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax2 = ax.twiny()
ax.set_xlim([-12, -27])
ax2.set_xlim([-12, -27])
sub_axes = axes([0.15, 0.42, 0.4, 0.4])

for i in range(len(GCpG.Mcat.unique())):
    mask_MT = (GCpG.Mcat == GCpG.Mcat.unique()[i])
    ax.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],
                xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[mask_MT], yerr=GCpG.e_Ngc[mask_MT].apply(log10), **fmts[i])
    ax2.errorbar(GCpG.KMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT],
                 xerr=GCpG.e_KMag[mask_MT], yerr=GCpG.e_Ngc[mask_MT].apply(log10), **fmts[i])
    sub_axes.scatter(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.logNgc[mask_MT], **markers[i])
sns.regplot(GCpG.VMag,GCpG.logNgc, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax)
sns.regplot(GCpG.KMag,GCpG.logNgc, scatter=False, ci=ci, line_kws={'lw':1}, ax=ax2)
sub_axes.set_xlim([-10, -26])
sub_axes.set_title('Fig. 3, Rodriguez et al. (2015)')

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'LR_Mag_err.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
In [40]:
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.KMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.870    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                1030.4039
Date:               2018-06-17 22:10 BIC:                1034.4393
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -514.20  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        2794.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 6.21e-187
R-squared:          0.870            Scale:              0.68716  
       Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|      [0.025     0.975]
x1    -0.0980      0.0019    -52.8557    0.0000    -0.1017    -0.0944
Omnibus:               22.487       Durbin-Watson:          1.448 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       19.376
Skew:                  0.453        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.458        Condition No.:          1     

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: bothare messy and trustless

GC SN model

  1. [=] the $N_\text{GC}$ per unit of parent galaxy luminosity VMag, normalized to $M_V$ = −15, present in scatter
    • $S_N \equiv N_\text{GC} \times 10^{0.4(M_V^T + 15)}$
    • $N_\text{GC} = S_N / 10^{0.4(M_V^T + 15)}$
  2. [=] LOWESS regression for $S_N$ vs VMag, present in plot

  3. error comparison

In [42]:
# 1. compute GC SN and represent
if 'Sn' not in GCpG.columns:
    GCpG['Sn'] = GCpG.Ngc*10**(0.4*(GCpG.VMag+15.0))
    GCpG['e_Sn'] = GCpG.e_Ngc*10**(0.4*(GCpG.VMag+15.0))

fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_ylabel("GC SN")
for i in range(len(GCpG.Mcat.unique())):
    mask_MT = (GCpG.Mcat == GCpG.Mcat.unique()[i])
    ax.scatter(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.Sn[mask_MT], **markers[i])
ax.set_title('Fig. 10, Harris et al. (2013)')

# 2. lowess regression
lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(GCpG.Sn, GCpG.VMag, frac=0.36)  # lowess(y, X)
f_Sn = interp1d(lowess[:,0],lowess[:,1],bounds_error=False)
ax.plot(GCpG.VMag.sort_values(), f_Sn(GCpG.VMag.sort_values()))
ax.plot(GCpG.VMag.sort_values(), f_Sn(GCpG.VMag.sort_values()),'*', markersize=16, 
        markevery=len(GCpG)-1,label='VMag $\in$ [%.2f,%.2f]' % (GCpG.VMag.max(), GCpG.VMag.min()))

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GCSN.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.KMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
In [43]:
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.870    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                1030.4039
Date:               2018-06-17 22:10 BIC:                1034.4393
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -514.20  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        2794.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 6.21e-187
R-squared:          0.870            Scale:              0.68716  
       Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|      [0.025     0.975]
x1    -0.0980      0.0019    -52.8557    0.0000    -0.1017    -0.0944
Omnibus:               22.487       Durbin-Watson:          1.448 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       19.376
Skew:                  0.453        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.458        Condition No.:          1     

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GCpG models (sec 2.2)

Linear models: bothare messy and trustless

GC SN model

  1. [x] the $N_\text{GC}$ per unit of parent galaxy luminosity VMag
    • $S_N \equiv N_\text{GC} \times 10^{0.4(M_V^T + 15)}$
    • $N_\text{GC} = S_N / 10^{0.4(M_V^T + 15)}$
  2. [x] LOWESS regression for $S_N$ vs VMag

  3. [=] error comparison, zoom in view, justificationin errorbar

    • => error suppressed on high luminosity end: a few noisy outliners less-weighted
    • => fair performance on low luminosity end: low influence as the base $M_V$ will be low
    • => well represented in the most range
    • => truncated by VMag range [-11.17, -24.19]: lower-bound
In [45]:
# 3. error comparison, zoomed in
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_ylabel("GC SN")
axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 3, loc=9)
axins.axis([-18, -20, -0.2, 4.8])
for i in range(len(GCpG.Mcat.unique())):
    mask_MT = (GCpG.Mcat == GCpG.Mcat.unique()[i])
    ax.scatter(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.Sn[mask_MT], alpha=0.8, **markers[i])
    ax.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.Sn[mask_MT],
                xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[mask_MT], yerr=GCpG.e_Sn[mask_MT], **fmts[i])
    axins.scatter(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.Sn[mask_MT], alpha=0.8, **markers[i])
    axins.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[mask_MT], GCpG.Sn[mask_MT],
                   xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[mask_MT], yerr=GCpG.e_Sn[mask_MT], **fmts[i])    
ax.set_title('Fig. 10, Harris et al. (2013)')

lowess = sm.nonparametric.lowess(GCpG.Sn, GCpG.VMag, frac=0.36)  # lowess(y, X)
f_Sn = interp1d(lowess[:,0],lowess[:,1],bounds_error=False)
ax.plot(GCpG.VMag.sort_values(), f_Sn(GCpG.VMag.sort_values()))
axins.plot(GCpG.VMag.sort_values(), f_Sn(GCpG.VMag.sort_values()))
_, pp1,pp2 = mark_inset(ax,axins,loc1=1, loc2=1, color='k')

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GCSN_err.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
In [46]:
LRols = sm.OLS(GCpG.logNgc.values, GCpG.KMag.values).fit() # OLS(y, X)
                 Results: Ordinary least squares
Model:              OLS              Adj. R-squared:     0.870    
Dependent Variable: y                AIC:                1030.4039
Date:               2018-06-17 22:10 BIC:                1034.4393
No. Observations:   418              Log-Likelihood:     -514.20  
Df Model:           1                F-statistic:        2794.    
Df Residuals:       417              Prob (F-statistic): 6.21e-187
R-squared:          0.870            Scale:              0.68716  
       Coef.     Std.Err.       t        P>|t|      [0.025     0.975]
x1    -0.0980      0.0019    -52.8557    0.0000    -0.1017    -0.0944
Omnibus:               22.487       Durbin-Watson:          1.448 
Prob(Omnibus):         0.000        Jarque-Bera (JB):       19.376
Skew:                  0.453        Prob(JB):               0.000 
Kurtosis:              2.458        Condition No.:          1     

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3)

  1. [=] bandpass conversion: B/I/K in GWGC from White et al. (2011) to V/K in GCSN model from Harris et al. (2013)

    1. [=] GWGC luminosities, Abs_Mag_B/I(7,877/5,606), App_Mag_B/I/K(7,877/5,606/2,995), and err_Abs/App_Mag_B/I/K:

      • count statistics, present in pandas table
      • completeness, msnoplot, lots of NaNs
    2. explore correlations

    3. fit conversion constant

    4. choose most probable value

  2. revert to Ngc

  3. GC distribution

In [47]:
# 1-A. statistics of GWGC luminosity
display(LoGal.loc[:,LoGal.columns[LoGal.columns.str.contains('Mag')]] \
App_Mag_B err_App_Mag_B Abs_Mag_B err_Abs_Mag_B App_Mag_I err_App_Mag_I Abs_Mag_I err_Abs_Mag_I App_Mag_K err_App_Mag_K
count 7877.000000 7877.000000 7877.000000 7877.000000 5606.000000 5606.000000 5606.000000 0.0 2995.000000 2287.00000
min -4.600000 0.040000 -22.590000 0.070000 5.730000 0.030000 -25.520000 NaN 7.271000 0.02000
max 25.260000 3.020000 -4.970000 3.020000 30.440000 6.880000 -1.680000 NaN 15.978000 0.29000
mean 14.981126 0.377188 -16.210734 0.387227 14.158673 0.174930 -17.158776 NaN 12.968526 0.10208
std 2.280469 0.176294 2.451796 0.175116 2.463852 0.317297 2.627928 NaN 1.594678 0.04896
NaNs 1069.000000 1069.000000 1069.000000 1069.000000 3340.000000 3340.000000 3340.000000 8946.0 5951.000000 6659.00000
In [48]:
img = msno.matrix(LoGal.loc[:,LoGal.columns[LoGal.columns.str.contains('Mag')]], inline=False)
if flag_svfg:
    img.savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GWGC_mags_NaN.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3)

  1. [=] bandpass conversion: B/I/K in GWGC from White et al. (2011) to V/K in GCSN model from Harris et al. (2013)

    1. [x] GWGC luminosities

    2. [=] explore correlations, explain in pairplots with heatmap

    3. fit conversion constant

    4. choose most probable value

  2. revert to Ngc

  3. GC distribution

In [49]:
# 1-B. correlations between bands
if not flag_skip:
    corr = pp_heat(LoGal.loc[:,LoGal.columns[LoGal.columns.str.contains('Mag')]], 0.8, 'pp_GWGC_mags.jpeg')
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'pp_GWGC_mags.jpeg')))

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3)

  1. [=] bandpass conversion: B/I/K in GWGC from White et al. (2011) to V/K in GCSN model from Harris et al. (2013)

    1. [x] GWGC luminosities

    2. [x] explore correlations

    3. [=] fit conversion constant, 197 galaxies in both catalogs, inspect in mag/color scatter

      • [Abs_Mag_B (7,877), err_Abs_Mag_B (7,877)] > [Abs_Mag_I (5,606), err_Abs_Mag_I (0)]: => prefer B over I for Ngc estimation
      • B/I in GWGC (197/148) vs V/K in GCSN=> almost homogenous, prefer B for fit
      • B/I in GWGC (197/148) vs V-K in GCSN=> color/Mcat didn't help (unequal axis)
    4. choose most probable value

  2. revert to Ngc

  3. GC distribution

In [51]:
# 1-C. fit conversion constant, color scatter
idx_GCpG = GCpG.Name.isin(LoGal.Name)
idx_LoGal = LoGal.Name.isin(GCpG.Name)

nullfmt = NullFormatter()  # no labels
left, width = 0.1, 0.65
bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65
bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02
rect_main = [left, bottom, width, height]
rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2]
rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height]

ax_histx = axes(rect_histx)
ax_histy = axes(rect_histy)
ax_main = axes(rect_main)
ax_main.set_xlabel('VMag in GCpG from Harris et al. (2013)')
ax_main.set_ylabel('BMag in GWGC from White et al. (2011)')

ax_main.scatter(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG], LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal],
                c=GCpG.iMType[idx_GCpG], s=40*(2+log2(30/GCpG.Dist[idx_GCpG])), cmap=cmap)
ax_main.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG], LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal],
                 xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[idx_GCpG], yerr=LoGal.err_Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal], 
                 fmt='+', elinewidth=3, alpha=0.6)

xx, yy = mgrid[ax_main.get_xlim()[0]:ax_main.get_xlim()[1]:100j, 
positions = vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
values = vstack([GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG].values, LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal].values])
kernel = st.gaussian_kde(values)
zz = reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape)
cfset = ax_main.contourf(xx, yy, zz, cmap='Greens', alpha=0.3)  # Contourf plot
cset = ax_main.contour(xx, yy, zz, colors='gray', alpha=0.7)  # Contour plot
ax_main.clabel(cset, inline=1, fontsize=16)
ax_main.legend(['Galaxy in both catalog: %d' % idx_GCpG.sum()], fontsize=16)

binwidth = 0.25
xymax = max([max(fabs(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG])), max(fabs(LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal]))])
lim = (int(xymax/binwidth) + 1) * binwidth
bins = arange(-lim, lim + binwidth, binwidth)
_ = ax_histx.hist(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG], bins=bins)
_ = ax_histy.hist(LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal], bins=bins, orientation='horizontal')

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'joint_mags.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
In [52]:
# 1-C. fit conversion constant, color scatter
ax_histx = axes(rect_histx)
ax_histy = axes(rect_histy)
ax_main = axes(rect_main)
ax_main.set_xlabel('VMag-KMag in GCpG from Harris et al. (2013)')
ax_main.set_ylabel('BMag in GWGC from White et al. (2011)')

ax_main.scatter(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG]-GCpG.KMag[idx_GCpG], LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal],
                c=GCpG.iMType[idx_GCpG], s=40*(2+log2(30/GCpG.Dist[idx_GCpG])), cmap=cmap)
ax_main.errorbar(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG]-GCpG.KMag[idx_GCpG], LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal],
                 xerr=GCpG.e_VMag[idx_GCpG]-GCpG.e_KMag[idx_GCpG], yerr=LoGal.err_Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal],
                 fmt='+', elinewidth=3, alpha=0.6)

xx, yy = mgrid[ax_main.get_xlim()[0]:ax_main.get_xlim()[1]:100j, 
positions = vstack([xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])
values = vstack([GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG].values-GCpG.KMag[idx_GCpG].values,
kernel = st.gaussian_kde(values)
zz = reshape(kernel(positions).T, xx.shape)
cfset = ax_main.contourf(xx, yy, zz, cmap='Greens', alpha=0.3)  # Contourf plot
cset = ax_main.contour(xx, yy, zz, colors='gray', alpha=0.7)  # Contour plot
ax_main.clabel(cset, inline=1, fontsize=16)
ax_main.legend(['Galaxy in both catalog: %d' % idx_GCpG.sum()], fontsize=16)

binwidth = 0.25
xymax = max([max(fabs(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG])), max(fabs(LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal]))])
lim = (int(xymax/binwidth) + 1) * binwidth
bins = arange(-lim, lim + binwidth, binwidth)
_ = ax_histx.hist(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG]-GCpG.KMag[idx_GCpG], bins=bins)
_ = ax_histy.hist(LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal], bins=bins, orientation='horizontal')

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'joint_color.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3)

  1. [=] bandpass conversion: B/I/K in GWGC from White et al. (2011) to V/K in GCSN model from Harris et al. (2013)

    1. [x] GWGC luminosities

    2. [x] explore correlations

    3. [x] fit conversion constant: B/I in GWGC (197/148) vs V/K in GC SN on 197 shared galaxies

    4. [=] choose most probable value, based on kdeplot

      • =>$\mathrm{VMag}_\max = -20.515828946699045$
      • =>$\mathrm{BMag}_\max = -19.627615047946385$
      • =>$\mathrm{IMag}_\max = -21.008287606264027$
  2. revert to Ngc

  3. GC distribution

In [53]:
# 1-D. most probable value from kdeplot
f_joint, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = subplots(3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=sfig_size)
p_v = sns.kdeplot(GCpG.VMag[idx_GCpG], shade=True, ax=ax1, color='g')
x,y = p_v.get_lines()[0].get_data()
V_max = x[y.argmax()]
ax1.vlines(V_max, 0, y.max(), linestyle='dashed')
ax1.legend(['$\mathrm{VMag}_{\max}$ = %.2f, from Harris et al. (2013)' % V_max])

p_b = sns.kdeplot(LoGal.Abs_Mag_B[idx_LoGal], shade=True, ax=ax2, color='b')
x,y = p_b.get_lines()[0].get_data()
B_max = x[y.argmax()]
ax2.vlines(B_max, 0, y.max(), linestyle='dashed')
ax2.legend(['$\mathrm{BMag}_{\max}$ = %.2f, from White et al. (2011)' % B_max])

p_i = sns.kdeplot(LoGal.Abs_Mag_I[idx_LoGal], shade=True, ax=ax3, color='r')
x,y = p_i.get_lines()[0].get_data()
I_max = x[y.argmax()]
ax3.vlines(I_max, 0, y.max(), linestyle='dashed')
ax3.legend(['$\mathrm{IMag}_{\max}$ = %.2f, from White et al. (2011)' % I_max])


if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'mags_max.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3)

  1. [x] bandpass conversion: B/I/K in GWGC from White et al. (2011) to V/K in GCSN model from Harris et al. (2013)

    1. [x] GWGC luminosities

    2. [x] explore correlations

    3. [x] fit conversion constant: B/I in GWGC (197/148) vs V/K in GC SN on 197 shared galaxies

    4. [x] choose most probable value, based on kdeplot

      • =>$\mathrm{VMag}_\max = -20.515828946699045$
      • =>$\mathrm{BMag}_\max = -19.627615047946385$
      • =>$\mathrm{IMag}_\max = -21.008287606264027$
  2. [=] revert to Ngc:

    • convert BMag/IMag in GWGC to VMag in GCSN: B to V (7,877) + I to V (extra 32) = 7,909/8,946
    • apply $N_\text{GC} = S_N / 10^{0.4(M_V^T + 15)}$
    • result statistics and 5 'Interpolated Galaxy Samples', present in pandas table
      • => lower-bound GC Population is 658,910, over 8,946 galaxies within 30 Mpc
      • => 1,037 (11.59%) GWGC galaxy not in count
      • => 130 (1.45%) extra galaxy not counted due to GC SN truncation
      • => lowess fit is modest
  3. GC distribution

In [54]:
# 2. revert to Ngc
# 2-A. convert BMag/IMag to VMag
LoGal['VMag']=pd.Series(LoGal.Abs_Mag_B + V_max - B_max, index=LoGal.index)
                          - GCpG[idx_GCpG].e_VMag.median()
                          + LoGal[idx_LoGal].err_Abs_Mag_B.median())
_ = LoGal.Abs_Mag_B.isnull() & LoGal.Abs_Mag_I.notnull()
LoGal.VMag[_] = LoGal.Abs_Mag_I[_]  + V_max - I_max

# 2-B. apply GCSN to get Ngc
LoGal['Ngc'] = pd.Series(map(lambda x: 0 if isnan(f_Sn(x))
                             else round(f_Sn(x)/10**(0.4*(x+15))), LoGal.VMag),
LoGal['e_Ngc'] = pd.Series(map(lambda x: LoGal.Ngc[x] if isnan(f_Sn(LoGal.VMag[x]-LoGal.e_VMag[x]))
                               else abs(LoGal.Ngc[x] - (f_Sn(LoGal.VMag[x]-LoGal.e_VMag[x]) / 
                               LoGal.index), index=LoGal.index)

# 2-C. statistics of result and 5 'Interpolated Galaxy Samples'
# print('Total GC Population in the Local Universe (30 Mpc) is %d' % LoGal.Ngc.sum())
_ = ['Name', 'RA', 'Dec', 'VMag', 'Dist', 'Abs_Mag_B', 'Abs_Mag_I', 'Ngc','e_Ngc', 'iMType']
Name RA Dec VMag Dist Abs_Mag_B Abs_Mag_I Ngc e_Ngc iMType
count 8946 8946.000000 8946.000000 7909.000000 8946.000000 7877.000000 5606.000000 8946.000000 8946.000000 8946.000000
min NaN 0.005940 -89.334590 -23.478214 0.010000 -22.590000 -25.520000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
max NaN 23.996680 86.131800 -5.858214 29.986000 -4.970000 -1.680000 11608.000000 7187.308776 6.000000
mean NaN 10.973250 3.455383 -17.094336 19.011495 -16.210734 -17.158776 74.085848 46.053841 0.916387
std NaN 5.277991 34.889882 2.452026 6.616150 2.451796 2.627928 262.963677 190.324592 0.936047
168135 SDSSJ142852.74+123454.0 14.481330 12.581660 NaN 28.958000 NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
168242 SDSSJ144213.99+333517.4 14.703880 33.588320 NaN 24.528000 NaN NaN 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
146627 SDSSJ080937.39+413526.6 8.160380 41.590710 -14.168214 11.625000 -13.280000 -12.870000 5.000000 2.037453 0.000000
24031 UGC06251 11.223940 53.595040 -17.718214 18.450000 -16.830000 NaN 25.000000 7.388049 1.000000
171592 SDSSJ151605.06+561614.7 15.268080 56.270820 -16.628214 9.875000 -15.740000 -16.790000 14.000000 3.364954 0.000000

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3)

  1. [x] bandpass conversion: B/I/K in GWGC from White et al. (2011) to V/K in GCSN model from Harris et al. (2013)

    1. [x] GWGC luminosities

    2. [x] explore correlations

    3. [x] fit conversion constant: B/I in GWGC (197/148) vs V/K in GC SN on 197 shared galaxies

    4. [x] choose most probable value, based on kdeplot

      • =>$\mathrm{VMag}_\max = -20.515828946699045$
      • =>$\mathrm{BMag}_\max = -19.627615047946385$
      • =>$\mathrm{IMag}_\max = -21.008287606264027$
  2. [x] revert to Ngc: 7,909/8,946 with Ngc

    • => lower-bound GC Population is 658,910, over 8,946 galaxies within 30 Mpc
    • => 1,037 (11.59%) GWGC galaxy not in count
    • => 130 (1.45%) extra galaxy not counted due to GC SN truncation
    • => lowess fit is modest
  3. [=] GC distribution

    • present in all-sky plot
In [56]:
# 2-D. all-sky zoom in view
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
vmin = 0.1
host_GC = LoGal.Ngc > 0
# RA: [0h-24h] -> [-pi,pi]; Dec: [-90°,90°] -> [-pi/2,pi/2]
ax.scatter((LoGal.RA[host_GC]-12)/12*pi, LoGal.Dec[host_GC]/180*pi,
ax.scatter((LoGal.RA[-host_GC]-12)/12*pi, LoGal.Dec[-host_GC]/180*pi,
axins = zoomed_inset_axes(ax, 3.2, loc=5, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), bbox_transform=ax.figure.transFigure)
axins.axis([-0.35, 0.3, -0.1, 0.4])
cax = axins.scatter((LoGal.RA[host_GC]-12)/12*pi, LoGal.Dec[host_GC]/180*pi,
cbar = fig.colorbar(cax, orientation='horizontal',fraction=0.07,anchor=(0.5,0.0))

anno_kws = {'width':1, 'headwidth':1, 'headlength':1, 'shrink':0.05}
ax.set_title('Total GC Population in the Local Universe (30 Mpc) is %d' % LoGal.Ngc.sum())

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'all-sky.jpeg'), **params_svfg)

Populating GCs in the local universe (chap 2)

GWGC for galaxy abundance (sec 2.1): 8,946 galaxies within 30 Mpc

Harris catalog for GCpG model (sec 2.2.1): linear model can be improved

GCpG models (sec 2.2): a modest GC SN model

Modeling GC populations (sec 2.3): 658,910 GCs in 7,909 out of the galaxies within 30 Mpc

Name RA Dec VMag Dist Abs_Mag_B Abs_Mag_I Ngc e_Ngc iMType
count 8946 8946.000000 8946.000000 0.0 8946.000000 7877.000000 5606.000000 0.0 0.0 8946.000000
min NaN 0.005940 -89.334590 NaN 0.010000 -22.590000 -25.520000 NaN NaN 0.000000
max NaN 23.996680 86.131800 NaN 29.986000 -4.970000 -1.680000 NaN NaN 6.000000
mean NaN 10.973250 3.455383 NaN 19.011495 -16.210734 -17.158776 NaN NaN 0.916387
std NaN 5.277991 34.889882 NaN 6.616150 2.451796 2.627928 NaN NaN 0.936047
168135 SDSSJ142852.74+123454.0 14.481330 12.581660 NaN 28.958000 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000
168242 SDSSJ144213.99+333517.4 14.703880 33.588320 NaN 24.528000 NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.000000
146627 SDSSJ080937.39+413526.6 8.160380 41.590710 NaN 11.625000 -13.280000 -12.870000 NaN NaN 0.000000
24031 UGC06251 11.223940 53.595040 NaN 18.450000 -16.830000 NaN NaN NaN 1.000000
171592 SDSSJ151605.06+561614.7 15.268080 56.270820 NaN 9.875000 -15.740000 -16.790000 NaN NaN 0.000000

Simulating GCs (chap 3 + chap 4)

Modeling GCs

  1. Characteristics (3.1)

    • Monte Carlo method (4.1)
  2. Stellar evolution (3.2)

    • SSE and BSE (4.2.1)
  3. Stellar dynamics (3.3)

    • Fewbody code (4.2.2)
  4. External environment (3.4)

    • Escape (4.2.3)
  5. MOCCA (4.2)

    • Monte Carlo + SSE and BSE + Fewbody code + Escape
In [57]:
ax = figure(figsize=(16,20)).add_subplot(111)
_ = ax.axis('off')

Simulating GCs (chap 3 + chap 4)

Sampling GCs (sec 4.3)

  1. General setup

  2. Variations of parameters

  3. Age spread: the Hubble time is assumed to be 13.5 Gyr

    • The Ages of 55 Globular Clusters as Determined Using an Improved $\Delta V^\text{HB}_\text{TO}$ Method along with Color-Magnitude Diagram Constraints, and Their Implications for Broader Issues Vanden Burg et al. (2013)
  4. GC simulations on TACC

    • $2\times5\times3\times3\times3 \times 10 = 324 \times 10 = 3,240$ simulations
    • Node-hour: $150,000 + 90,000 = 240,000$
    • tmp file: over 100 TB
  5. GClib LIBRARY: TO BE RELEASED, 652,196 -> 662,772



In [59]:
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

def generate_rand_from_pdf(pdf, x_grid):
    cdf = np.cumsum(pdf)
    cdf = cdf / cdf[-1]
    values = random.rand(int(sum(LoGal.Ngc)))
    value_bins = searchsorted(cdf, values)
    random_from_cdf = x_grid[value_bins]
    return random_from_cdf

fig = figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# for kernel size (bw), see
age_kde = sns.kdeplot(GCage.Age,kernel='gau',bw='silverman',ax=ax,label='MWGC Age KDE')
# number of GC needs age
x_grid = linspace(min(GCage.Age)-1, max(GCage.Age)+1, len(age_kde.get_lines()[0].get_data()[1])) 
GCage_from_kde = generate_rand_from_pdf(age_kde.get_lines()[0].get_data()[1], x_grid) 
# cut off at 13.5 Gyrs

sns.distplot(GCage_from_kde[randint(0, int(sum(LoGal.Ngc)),int(sum(LoGal.Ngc)))],
             hist=False,color='g',ax=ax,label='GC Age $\in$ [%.2f, %.2f]'%(min(GCage_from_kde),max(GCage_from_kde)))

hlines(0.5, 8.5, 11.5, 'k', lw=4,alpha=0.2)

# vlines(8.5, 0.45, 0.55, 'k', lw=2, alpha=0.2)
vlines(11.5, 0.5, 0.55, 'k', lw=2, alpha=0.2)

vlines(9.5, 0.5, 0.53, 'r',lw=2,alpha=0.5)

vlines(9,0.5,0.55,'r', lw=2,alpha=0.5)
annotate('$Age$',xy=(9,0.54),xytext=(10,0.5475),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', shrink=0.05))
annotate('',xy=(11.5,0.54),xytext=(10.3,0.54),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='red', shrink=0.05))

annotate('0 Gyr',xy=(8.5,0.5),xytext=(8.5,0.44),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='gray', shrink=0.01))
annotate('13.5 Gyr',xy=(11.5,0.5),xytext=(11.5,0.44),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='gray', shrink=0.01))
annotate('GC birth',xy=(9,0.5),xytext=(9,0.4),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='blue', shrink=0.05))
annotate('BBH ejected',xy=(9.5,0.5),xytext=(9.5,0.44),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05))
annotate('BBH merged',xy=(10.5,0.5),xytext=(10.5,0.44),arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05))

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GC_age_fit.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "

Prospects of Detections (sec 5.2)

BBH formation in GCs (sec 5.2.2)

  1. formation channels
  2. one example in simulation
  3. Assembling BBH database

    • BBHlib: 87,365 BBHs over the 3,240 GC simulations from GClib

    • LoGal: 7,909 galaxies with GCs within 30 Mpc

    • GClib: 662,772 GCs over 7,909 galaxies

    • => BBHdata: 17,883,760 BBHs

Relativistic Evolution (sec 5.2.3)

Detector Response for LISA (sec 6.2.1)

Localization (sec 6.2.2)



Assembling BBH database

  • BBHlib: extracted BBHs from 3,240 GC simulations

    • 87,365 ejected BBHs
    • 11,095 ejected BHBs
  • LoGal: galaxy within 30 Mpc

    • 7,909 with GCs
    • 1,037 has no measured luminosity
    • 8,946 total
  • GClib: 662,772 GCs over 7,909 Galaxy

    • manipulated LoGal.Ngc with different GC age
    • assign random GC simulation

    • GClib model diversity:

      • 1,739 out of 662,772 are duplicated
      • only half of the 3,240 GC simulations have one duplicated entry
  • => BBHdata: 17,883,760 BBHs with host galaxy info. + host GC info. + BBH info.

      for each galaxy in LoGal:
          for each GC up to galaxy.Ngc:
              assign a random GC simulation from GClib
              get GC info. from GClib
              get galaxy info. from LoGal
              get BBH from BBHlib for the assigned GC simulation


host galaxy info. host GC info. BBH info.
1-5 6-7 8-14
GC, RA, DEC, Dist, VMag Model, T_GC (13.5Gyr-Age)[Fe/H, f_b, ...] T_eject, M1, M2, Seperation,Ecc, (BBHlib.Model=GClib.Model)
In [61]:
if not os.path.isfile(path.join(path_fig,'bbhlib.dat')):
    if 'bhlib' not in locals():
        ## Load BHB LIB
        for i in range(1,325): # model
            for j in range(1,11):  # model id
                bhe=pd.read_csv('data/BHsystem/%d-%d-bhe.dat' %(i,j),
                            usecols=[0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20], 
                            header=None, delim_whitespace=True)
                bhe.Model='%d-%d' %(i,j)
    # BBH binary
    bhsys = bhlib[-(bhlib.Type1==14*(bhlib.Type2==14))].copy(deep=True)
    bbhlib = bhlib[bhlib.Type1==14*(bhlib.Type2==14)].copy(deep=True)
    bbhlib = bbhlib.drop(bbhlib.columns[[1, 2]], axis=1)  
                  index=True, sep=' ', header=True, float_format='%2.6f')
    bbhlib = pd.read_csv(path.join(path_fig,'bbhlib.dat'), sep=' ', index_col=0)
T_eject M1 M2 Seperation Ecc Model
0 0.0079 26.460 11.6190 36.1060 0.3173 187-7
1 0.0118 22.999 7.8955 222.4900 0.0000 187-7
2 0.0157 23.190 8.1896 20.0940 0.0978 187-7
3 0.0315 23.175 8.2358 275.1300 0.4285 187-7
4 0.0315 22.895 7.7428 91.2530 0.8577 187-7
5 0.0315 23.874 9.4294 173.7900 0.7756 187-7
6 0.0315 25.761 10.9290 868.3400 0.0000 187-7
7 0.0499 25.777 11.1890 793.2600 0.3369 187-7
8 0.4144 13.386 25.7790 78.5730 0.8045 187-7
9 0.7613 26.697 26.9370 185.3200 0.5458 187-7
10 0.7886 37.914 28.3050 331.4400 0.3656 187-7
11 0.8329 26.815 26.1680 191.4900 0.8724 187-7
12 1.0465 23.922 24.4750 51.2410 0.6847 187-7
13 1.2962 25.195 25.3110 217.5200 0.5197 187-7
14 1.5873 26.058 23.4010 299.2500 0.9600 187-7
15 1.6343 26.829 26.8670 738.9600 0.7871 187-7
16 2.1382 25.227 26.1970 203.5100 0.6862 187-7
17 2.2051 26.931 24.2770 94.9120 0.4887 187-7
18 2.2264 26.946 24.3750 334.5500 0.7257 187-7
19 2.2484 27.270 26.6270 317.5200 0.7703 187-7
20 2.6205 23.248 25.5000 567.8200 0.9503 187-7
21 2.9080 21.622 24.2440 306.3300 0.5750 187-7
22 2.9240 23.420 23.5020 623.8000 0.3999 187-7
23 2.9433 23.193 40.5950 249.4500 0.8743 187-7
24 3.0288 23.418 22.5560 321.2600 0.8533 187-7
25 3.1998 26.911 23.5720 706.2900 0.6283 187-7
26 3.3023 22.814 24.3720 117.9900 0.9995 187-7
27 3.5353 22.164 20.8490 175.1500 0.9920 187-7
28 4.0062 13.906 13.7430 9.3148 0.8166 187-7
29 4.1225 25.177 26.7480 131.3900 0.2675 187-7
30 4.1471 25.910 52.3300 326.6700 0.6479 187-7
31 4.2271 24.400 13.2930 12.6890 0.6893 187-7
32 4.2399 23.670 24.8380 566.1000 0.8899 187-7
33 4.3531 20.876 28.1520 428.8500 0.5484 187-7
34 5.4659 24.859 22.3790 292.1900 0.9335 187-7
35 5.4829 23.489 21.2020 133.5700 0.6346 187-7
37 5.8268 24.884 49.2470 383.3000 0.6541 187-7
38 6.0204 27.398 19.7820 188.6200 0.4226 187-7
39 6.3426 22.117 23.3930 79.8000 0.4630 187-7
40 6.6529 27.150 11.6090 81.0850 0.7587 187-7
41 7.0097 22.594 27.0070 120.4400 0.4160 187-7
42 7.8008 24.080 26.8740 114.6100 0.8300 187-7
43 7.8008 24.624 25.3410 16084.0000 0.8807 187-7
44 8.3006 13.503 18.4360 148.1200 0.6899 187-7
45 8.3461 20.889 26.7890 189.2700 0.4582 187-7
47 9.4491 13.858 27.8840 138.2300 0.6108 187-7
48 9.7201 22.506 22.7170 197.7200 0.8736 187-7
49 10.4762 13.017 12.7020 175.4100 0.8080 187-7
50 10.7644 27.078 23.0610 243.2300 0.5025 187-7
51 11.0249 11.821 13.9440 303.7100 0.7290 187-7
53 11.7761 13.669 11.8270 233.4800 0.8816 187-7
T_eject M1 M2 Seperation Ecc
count 87364.000000 87364.000000 87364.000000 8.736400e+04 87364.000000
mean 1.822836 24.921859 24.182866 5.255124e+02 0.685132
std 2.452034 17.785691 19.599724 2.390284e+04 0.279524
min 0.005200 3.000100 3.014100 0.000000e+00 0.000000
25% 0.237200 19.756000 13.493000 4.714150e+01 0.518700
50% 0.818000 23.190000 22.680000 9.762050e+01 0.765700
75% 2.389600 26.121000 27.013500 2.093825e+02 0.917400
max 13.095300 2669.500000 820.870000 5.894200e+06 1.000000
In [62]:
if not os.path.isfile(path.join(path_fig,'GClib.dat')):
    # index of the Galaxy host GCs
    # initialize the GClib

    # creat GCs in each Galaxy
    for row in idx_host_GC:
    GClib=GClib.rename(columns = {'index':'Galaxy'})

    # randomly assign model to GClib
    GClib['Model']=GClib['RA'].apply(lambda x: str(randint(1,325))+'-'+str(randint(1,11)))
    # randomly assign Age to GClib

    # write to file
             index=False,sep=' ', header=False, float_format='%2.6f')
    GClib=pd.read_csv(path.join(path_fig,'GClib.dat'), sep=' ',header=None, 
display(GClib.loc[[133], GClib.columns])
Galaxy RA Dec Dist VMag Model Age
133 133 0.05414 16.14555 13.183 -20.568214 187-7 11.070866
Galaxy RA Dec Dist VMag Age
count 662772.000000 662772.000000 662772.000000 662772.000000 662772.000000 662772.000000
mean 30603.041664 10.959227 -0.355427 21.170577 -20.534914 11.890659
std 27284.737734 5.445347 38.155540 5.926124 1.693741 0.864954
min 25.000000 0.007920 -89.334590 0.010000 -23.478214 8.000000
25% 15238.000000 7.451130 -28.805970 17.783000 -21.698214 11.307087
50% 27130.000000 11.850490 -0.480240 21.478000 -20.888214 11.968504
75% 35109.000000 13.284170 25.500910 25.351000 -19.788214 12.535433
max 183326.000000 23.996680 86.131800 29.986000 -11.178214 13.480315
In [63]:
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_title('3,240 GC simulations are used to represent %d GCs \n within 30 Mpc, out of which, only %d are duplicated GCs' % (LoGal.Ngc.sum(),sum(GClib.duplicated())))
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'GC_diversity.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
/opt/conda/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes/ UserWarning: The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been replaced by the 'density' kwarg.
  warnings.warn("The 'normed' kwarg is deprecated, and has been "
In [64]:
# if not os.path.isfile(path.join(path_fig,'BBHdata.dat.gz')):
#     BBHdata=pd.merge(GClib,bbhlib,on='Model')
#     BBHdata.to_csv(path.join(path_fig, 'BBHdata.dat.gz'),index=False,sep=' ', 
#                    header=False, float_format='%2.6f',compression='gzip')
# else:
#     BBHdata = pd.read_csv(path.join(path_fig,'BBHdata.dat.gz'),sep=' ', header=None, 
#                           names=['PGC','RA','Dec','Dist','VMag','Model','Age',
#                                  'T_eject','M1','M2','Seperation','Ecc','Period'])
# display(pd.merge(GClib.loc[[133], GClib.columns], bbhlib, on='Model'))
# display(BBHdata.describe())

Prospects of Detections (sec 5.2)

BBH formation in GCs (sec 5.2.2)

Relativistic Evolution (sec 5.2.3)

  • formulae: Peters (1964)

    • $\langle \frac{da}{dt} \rangle = -\frac{64}{5} \frac{G^3 m_1 m_2(m_1 + m_2)}{c^5 a^3 (1-e^2)^{7/2}} \left( 1+\frac{73}{24}e^2 + \frac{37}{96}e^4 \right)$ (5.25)
    • $\langle \frac{de}{dt} \rangle = -\frac{304}{15} e \frac{G^3 m_1 m_2(m_1 + m_2)}{c^5 a^4 (1-e^2)^{5/2}} \left(1 + \frac{121}{304}e^2 \right)$ (5.26)
  • code: Parallelized from Benacquista (2004)

    • input: BBHdata
    • output: BBHdata with updated Separation, Ecc, Period
  • Merger event rate (6.1.3)

    • $\dot{f} = k_0 f^{11/3}$ (6.1) where $k_0=3.68\times 10^{-6} \mathscr{M}^{5/3}$
    • $n = \int \frac{\eta}{k_0} f^{-11/3} df = \frac{\eta}{k_0}\frac{3}{8} f_\text{min}^{-8/3}$ and $f_\text{min} \simeq 2\times 10^{-4.4} $ Hz
    • =>$\eta = N \frac{8 k_0}{3} f_\text{min}^{8/3} \left(\frac{30 \text{ Mpc}}{1 \text{ Gpc}} \right)^3 \left( \frac{13.5 \text{ Gyr}}{1 \text{ yr}} \right) \simeq 587 \text{ Gpc}^{-3} \text{ yr}^{-1}$

Detector Response for LISA (sec 6.2.1)

Localization (sec 6.2.2)

In [67]:
# MC = [28.2, 8.9, 21.1, 7.9, 24.1]
# event = ["GW150914", "GW151226", "GW170104", "GW170608", "GW170814"]

# fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# sns.distplot(insp.MC[insp.MC<50],color='r',ax=ax)
# MC_kde = sns.distplot(merger.MC[merger.MC<50],color='g',ax=ax)
# title('Chirp Mass distribution. \n BBH merged: %d; present BBH: %d; total: %d'
#       % (len(merger), len(insp), len(BBHnow)) )
# xlabel('Chirp Mass $M_\odot$')
# legend(['Present-day BBHs','BBH mergers'])
# for i in range(5):
#     annotate(event[i],xy=(MC[i],mc2(MC[i])),xytext=(MC[i]-3,mc2(MC[i])+0.01),
#              arrowprops=dict(facecolor='yellow', shrink=0.05),
#             fontsize=14)
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'MC.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'MC.jpeg')))
In [68]:
# fig = figure(figsize=fig_size) 
# ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
# merger['Tcat'] = pd.cut(merger.T_merge, bins=13, labels=linspace(0.1,0.2,13))
#     # RA: [0h-24h] -> [-pi,pi]; Dec: [-90°,90°] -> [-pi/2,pi/2]\n"
# for i in merger.Tcat.unique():
#     mask = merger.Tcat == i
#     ax.scatter((merger.RA[mask]-12)/12*pi,merger.Dec[mask]/180*pi,alpha=i,c='k',
#                s=5*(2+np.sqrt(30./merger.Dist[mask])),cmap=cm.gray)
# ax.scatter((11.37165-12)/12*pi,(59.074409)/180*pi,alpha=0.8, c='r')
# bbh11 = pd.read_csv('../data/0220/inspiral.dat', sep=' ')
# ax.scatter((bbh11.RA-12)/12*pi,bbh11.Dec/180*pi,alpha=0.8,c='g')
# ax.set_xticklabels(['2h','4h','6h','8h','10h','12h','14h','16h','18h','20h','22h'])
# ax.grid(True)
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'merger_dist.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'merger_dist.jpeg')))

Prospects of Detections (sec 5.2)

BBH formation in GCs (sec 5.2.2)

Relativistic Evolution (sec 5.2.3)

Detector Response for LISA (sec 6.2.1)

Localization (sec 6.2.2)

In [70]:
# single example bbh (random)
legend(['L1 strain','L2 strain','L3 strain'])
xlabel('Time [s]')
if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,'response.jpeg'), **params_svfg)
In [72]:
# spectrum
fig = figure(figsize=fig_size)

ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# random dev bhs
ax.loglog(specd[0],np.sqrt(specd[1]**2+specd[2]**2+specd[3]**2), c='y', alpha=0.3)

ax.loglog(lisa.f_gw,lisa.strain,label='LISA Standard Configurations',c='k')

# 11 bbh T < 20,000 s
ax.loglog(spec11[0],np.sqrt(spec11[1]**2+spec11[2]**2+spec11[3]**2), c='g', alpha=0.3)

cax = ax.scatter(pop10d.f, pop10d.h0*spec10d[1].mean()/pop10d.h0.mean(), c=pop10d.e,

# ylabel('Strain')
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency Hz')

# random bbh
ax.scatter(pop1.f, pop1.h0*abs(spec1[1]).mean()/pop1.h0,c='r')

ax.legend(['BH Systems','LISA Standard',
           'BBHs with T < 20k s', 'BBHs with T < 10 d'],loc=4)

ax2 = axes([.48, .57, .25, .32])

ax2.loglog(lisa.f_gw,lisa.strain,label='LISA Standard',c='k')
ax2.loglog(spec11[0],np.sqrt(spec11[1]**2+spec11[2]**2+spec11[3]**2), c='g', alpha=0.3)
ax2.loglog(specd[0],np.sqrt(specd[1]**2+specd[2]**2+specd[3]**2), c='y', alpha=0.3)

if flag_svfg:

Prospects of Detections (sec 5.2)

BBH formation in GCs (sec 5.2.2)

Relativistic Evolution (sec 5.2.3)

Detector Response for LISA (sec 6.2.1)

Localization (sec 6.2.2)

In [74]:
# # adjusted to 30 Mpc
# def freq(MC, T=2):
#     '''
#     Input
#         MC: chip mass in unit of solar mass
#     Output
#         frequency in unit of mHz
#     '''
#     return 19.2 * (MC/28)**(-5/8) *(T/3)**(-3/8)

# def SNR(MC, D, T=2):
#     '''
#     Input
#         MC: chip mass in unit of solar mass
#         D: distance in unit of Mpc
#     Output
#         Signal-to-noise ratio
#     '''
#     f = freq(MC)
#     Sn = np.array([lisa.strain[(lisa.f_gw.values - x).argmin()] for x in f])
#     return 6.3*(MC/28)**(5/3)*(T/3)**(1/2)*(30/D)*(Sn/(2.3e-41))**(-1/4)*(f/7)**(2/3)

# def dOmega(MC):
#     '''
#     Input
#         MC: chip mass in unit of solar mass
#     Output
#         Angular positional error in unit of steradian [sr]
#     '''
#     f = freq(MC)
#     return 3.6e4*(SNR(MC,D)/20)**(-2)*(f/7)**(-2)

# def dV1(MC, D):
#     '''
#     Input
#         MC: chip mass in unit of solar mass
#         D: distance in unit of Mpc
#     Output
#         Signal-to-noise ratio, without correction
#     '''
#     f = freq(MC)
#     return 1.852e3*(D/30)**3*(SNR(MC,D)/20)**(-3)*(f/7)**(-2)

# def dV2(MC, D, sigma=10e3, h=0.7):
#     '''
#     Input
#         MC: chip mass in unit of solar mass
#         D: distance in unit of Mpc
#         sigma: typical velocity dispersion
#         h: constant in Hubble parameter for local universe
#     Output
#         Signal-to-noise ratio, corrected 
#     '''
#     f = freq(MC)
#     return 7.778e2*(D/30)**2*(SNR(MC,D)/20)**(-2)*(f/7)**(-2)*(sigma/10e3)*(0.7/h)

# def NdV(bbh):
#     return [dV1(bbh.MC, bbh.Dist), dV2(bbh.MC, bbh.Dist), SNR(bbh.MC,bbh.Dist)]

# dv1,dv2,snr = NdV(bbh10d)
# dv = pd.concat([dv1, dv2], axis=1).max(axis=1)
# dv = pd.concat([dv1, dv2], axis=1).max(axis=1)
# mask = (dv<30) & (dv>0.0005)
# lbbh = bbh10d[mask]
# display()
In [75]:
# fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)

# ax=fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
# # RA: [0h-24h] -> [-pi,pi]; Dec: [-90°,90°] -> [-pi/2,pi/2]
# ax.scatter((bbh10d.RA-12)/12*pi,bbh10d.Dec/180*pi,c=dv,
#            s=5*(2+log2(30./bbh10d.Dist)),alpha=0.3)

# cax = ax.scatter((lbbh.RA-12)/12*pi,lbbh.Dec/180*pi,c=cm.viridis(snr[mask]*10),edgecolors=None,
#            s=100*np.sqrt(dv[mask]),alpha=0.2)

# ax.set_xticklabels(['2h','4h','6h','8h','10h','12h','14h','16h','18h','20h','22h'])
# ax.grid(True)

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig,"localization.jpeg"), **params_svfg)
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'localization.jpeg')))
In [76]:
# # error volume plot
# # BBH statistics
# # sky-locations

# sns.set_style('whitegrid')

# figure(figsize=(12,8))
# ndv = [sum(dv<10**(i/10)) for i in range(50)]
# loglog([10**(i/10) for i in range(50)] , ndv)

# xlabel('Error Volume $\Delta V$  [Mpc$^3$]')
# ylabel('Number of Accurately Localized Binaries')
# xlim([1,27000])

# # location for the zoomed portion 
# sub_axes = axes([.62, .2, .25, .25]) 

# # plot the zoomed portion
# sub_axes.hist(lbbh.Dist)
# sub_axes.set_xlabel('BBH Distance [Mpc]')

# im = plt.imread('Fig_D/localization.jpeg')
# sub_axes2 = axes([.15, .46, .45, .45]) 
# sub_axes2.imshow(im)
# sub_axes2.axis('off')

if flag_svfg:
    savefig(path.join(path_fig, 'numden.jpeg'),**params_svfg)
    ax = figure(figsize=sfig_size).add_subplot(111)
    ax.imshow(imread(path.join(path_fig, 'numden.jpeg')))


Populating GCs in the local universe

  • LoGal: galaxy within 30 Mpc

    • 7,909 with GCs
    • 1,037 has no measured luminosity
    • 8,946 total
  • GClib: 662,772 GCs over 7,909 Galaxy

    • manipulated LoGal.Ngc with different GC age
    • assign random GC simulation

Simulating GCs

  • GClib models:

    • $2\times5\times3\times3\times3 \times 10 = 324 \times 10 = 3,240$ simulations
    • Node-hour: $150,000 + 90,000 = 240,000$
    • tmp file: over 100 TB
  • GClib model diversity:

    • 1,739 out of 662,772 are duplicated
    • only half of the 3,240 GC simulations have one duplicated entry

Relativistic BBHs

  • BBHlib: extracted BBHs from 3,240 GC simulations

    • 87,365 ejected BBHs
    • 11,095 ejected BHBs
  • BBHdata: 17,883,760 BBHs with host galaxy info. + host GC info. + BBH info.

Prospects for Detection

  • 86,939 BBH mergers + 17,883,760 BBH inspirals
  • Merger event rate (6.1.3)

    • $\eta = N \frac{8 k_0}{3} f_\text{min}^{8/3} \left(\frac{30 \text{ Mpc}}{1 \text{ Gpc}} \right)^3 \left( \frac{13.5 \text{ Gyr}}{1 \text{ yr}} \right) \simeq 587 \text{ Gpc}^{-3} \text{ yr}^{-1}$
  • Localizationable BBHs: 14

   PGC    Dist          M1           M2   Seperation        Ecc

  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787   12.728000    19.122000     0.157281   0.852028
   616   2.188    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787   20.632000   137.730000     0.178258   0.477929
  1628   0.787   21.424999    25.615999     0.165200   0.750944
  1628   0.787   28.433001    26.503000     0.175125   0.813286
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
131228   0.762    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    3.158000    10.250000     0.807000   0.000000
  1628   0.787    5.319600    10.276000     0.974700   0.000000
  1627   0.813    5.319600    10.276000     0.974700   0.000000

Thank You!







  • Belczynski, K., Askar, A., Arca-Sedda, M., et al. 2017, ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1712.00632
  • Localization of BBH in the Local Universe (in Preparation)
  • A Data Science approach towards the local abundance of Globular Clusters (in Preparation)

Data Release

  • Local Globular Cluster Library
  • Binary Black Hole database


github repository: LocalBBH

Resume: 3/24/2018 cache